Just got home from TWO killer weeks of altitude training camp in Park City; home of the US Ski Team! Only this time, I went with my club, APU. I'm going to use my blog to focus on a couple of pictures from the two weeks. If you want to read more about what we did check out my teammate, Sadie Bjornsen's blog. She did a nice job recapping here:
Without further ado...
APU Spinning out some dead legs after a crazy hard time trial effort. There was talk about tasting blood...... (in your throat - happens when you go really, really hard..... )
Here is a snapshot of the skate sprint tt:
I was pretty happy with my effort. I felt good for August and have a clear idea of concrete things I want to work on in the next training period. (Can you say, INTERVALS!!!!)
Team training camp & Carpooling.... helmets, skis & poles overflowing out of the car
I hardly brought a coat to the training camp.... it wasn't cold but it certainly wasn't bluebird and clear everyday.....
The APU men's team trained hard. Here they are during our OD run on the Wasatch Crest Trail Saturday.
Whitcomb was able to come to some sessions. This is a box with three donuts - yes, just three. They are the biggest things I've ever seen. They are $3 each and available at the Kamas Chevron. Incredible. Coaches need sustenance too.
Mid classic roll OD up Big Cottonwood Canyon with Fitz and Becca
Pumped up on endorphins post ski.
Reese bounding at 8,000.....
Margo had us over for dinner and girl's night. We finally saw the famous nail polish collection
A benefit of training at the Canyons.... bounding uphill and "saving" your legs by riding the gondola down....
Training camp carnage - Becca
A highlight of camp was hanging with my friend Langely McNeal who is chasing after Sochi for Women's Skier Cross. Lange and I went to college together at Whitman (Walla Walla) back in the day. She was on the alpine team, me = xc. It's pretty fun that here we are, years later, successful and still at it!
You can check out her facebook athlete page here:
Post 1 hour hard threshold effort in Jeremy Ranch with Liz
Near Main Street, PC
Last but not least? I got home just in time to read this is Sunday's print edition of the paper
What's next? Three weeks at home, doing a bunch of intervals and normal stuff such as mowing the lawn and watching over my neighbor's chickens. It feels good!
Rob with our bounty!
Cheers & thanks for reading :)